Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Melange Roll-On Perfume Blend No. 13

 Melange Roll-On Perfume:  Blend No. 13

Recently featured in Beauty News LA, our Melange Roll-On Perfume in Blend No.13 is a blend of rich Dark Chocolate and sweet Amber, accentuated with fragrant Tahitian Gardenia and fresh Guava. A long-time favorite of Melange Perfume clients, this blend is popular year-around.  It is my personal favorite for evening and a must-have when I travel, especially someplace exotic (or wish I were someplace exotic)!

Blend No. 13 is available at www.melangeperfume.com, b-glowing.com, and fine stores.  For a list of stores, please visit our website.
Melange Perfume
Los Angeles, CA
Melange (to mix or blend)

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